Her kan du checke om du er i min log. Please feel free to check if your call is in my log.

Please only send me a QSL
card, and only direct, if you really need OZ. I will not send paper card anymore on
regular basis. But LoTW and Clublog is 100% in use. I am sorry, but buro card
will not be answered anymore when LoTW works so well.
Mit QSL kort kan du se her/My QSL card;
Check my DX soundclip here.
OZ1JTE (30M CW) using speciel call 5P15COP on YouTube
Min egen DXCC status er som følger/My DXCC score;
160m |
80m |
60m |
40m |
30m |
20m |
17m |
15m |
12m |
10m |
6m |
97 |
198 |
0 |
294 |
329 |
332 |
328 |
320 |
315 |
306 |
118 | |